If you need a custom-made album cover art for your music or album, fill the form below. After submitting your request we will contact you in approximately 48 hours. Please provide the required information in details. If you are not familiar with the styles of album cover arts, see this link first and choose your style, based on them.
See Pricing page for more information about the products and pricing for design an album cover art, band/music logo and custom designs.
If you need to design merchandises like T-shirts, mugs, etc. contact us with Special Order page.
You can also have a look at our Product Page. There are hundreds of exclusive, pre-made album cover arts for you you to buy. It’s also worth to mention that Coverartland designs your logo. If you need a logo for your band, music artist, podcast, etc. head to our Special Design page and choose Logo.
Remember that Coverartland is a website specialized in services for musicians, podcasters and recording companies, so, our final products will fit them the best.
Enter a correct Email. Your provided Email is the only way we can contact you. If there is any question, you can send us an Email via info@coverartland.com and tell us what’s the question or the issue you had encounter with.
IMPORTANT: There is no option to refund your money. Once you pay the price of your order, our artists will put their pen on the paper and start designing your album cover art. But, you provide us with ideas, keywords and anything you want to be in your design. Therefore, we try our best to deliver the exact possible design. It’s also possible for you to have unlimited changes. It means that if you are not satisfied with your design, you can ask us to change the part or the whole idea of your album cover art.
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